
Now is the time for us to lead together for change.

Over the last few years, I have listened to thousands of American Library Association (ALA) members in convention centers and on conference calls give their ideas for how we can strengthen ALA for the future. These conversations and the possibilities ALA and its members hold inspired me to run for ALA President in the middle of a worldwide crisis. Leading with our core values and centering equity, as your president I will strengthen our advocacy efforts and organizational excellence through connection and collaboration, reconfirming ALA’s mission. I have and will continue to seek out, listen to, and act on the varied perspectives and experiences of our members to move ALA forward.

As a fourteen year member, past ALA Executive Board member, and chair of the Steering Committee on Organizational Effectiveness (SCOE), I believe in our future and that by leading together for change, ALA can live up to its full potential and be the association we need it to be today.

I will lead together with our members for an association and profession that:

  • practices antiracism and is inclusive and racially equitable. I have been proud to be a leader in ALA’s commitment to diversity in many roles including chair of the Office for Diversity, Literacy, and Outreach Services (ODLOS) Advisory Committee and affiliated with ALA’s commitment as a leader in the Asian/Pacific American Librarians Association (APALA). In our associations and in my own library, I have made real change, supported library workers of color, worked with allies, and broken down barriers. 

  • Models organizational excellence and sustainability. Declining membership and fiscal shortfalls demonstrate that ALA needs new revenue streams and membership models. Leveraging my experiences on BARC and the Planning and Budget Assembly as well as in fundraising and developing financial partnership, I will continue the work to pivot the association, leveraging the expertise and views of our member leaders and working closely with ALA Staff to restore trust and be transparent. 

  • commits to our core values through partnerships that amplify our ideals. Collaborations can help us leverage our strengths in areas like intellectual freedom and supporting library workers alongside organizations like the Freedom to Read Foundation and through shared governance with the ALA–Allied Professional Association.  

ALA’s strong advocacy base is essential to our future. The work members and staff have done to situate the association to be at the forefront of the fight for access to broadband and uphold democracy now allow us space and room to grow and reimagine ourselves as an association. An association which will support the challenges of our library workers nationwide and give them a place to explore the profession, develop their skills, and connect with other passionate members. 

I am committed to listening to our members and non-members to continually evaluate and assess our priorities, efforts, and initiatives. Our members seek an association that is responsive to their needs, and as your next president, I will be responsive to our members. 

I believe that through leading together and celebrating our successes we can lead together for change. I am passionate about libraries, I am passionate about our association, and I am honored to be a candidate for your ALA President. I encourage all of you to make your voice heard as I ask for your vote and support, not just in this election but in our association everyday.